Back-to-Nature guide toMalawi
2nd edition
by Ad Konings
Malawi cichlids have been, and will
probably always remain, among the most popular aquarium fishes of all time.
Their briliant colours, ease of maintenance, and interesting behaviour
are the three most important reasons for their popularity. A selection
of these fishes is all you need to create an interesting and decorative
aquarium in your home. In order to enjoy your Malawi cichlid aquarium to
the full, however, it is essential to take their specific maintenance requirements
into account. This guide provides expert advice on all the elements of
proper maintenance, such as choice of aquarium (with details of the minimum
size required for each species discussed), creating the correct water conditions,
providing appropriate decor, feeding, etc. Follow these basic guidelines
and you will soon have a little piece of Lake Malawi in your living room,
for you, your family, and your friends to enjoy.
208 pages, 600 color photos, hardcover,
and size: 7" x 9.5".
ISBN 0-9668255-9-4. $34.50
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