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What's New
©by Laif DeMason
I sometimes wonder if there are really any new fish to talk about. It seems like many fish get “recycled”; the old become the new. However, take some time and look around; you’ll always see something new. Here is “what’s new” on the cichlid scene.
Here’s “what’s new” on the cichlid scene: |
Lake Tanganyika
The popularity of Tanganyika cichlids is still strong amongst the Rift Lake hobbyists. There has been an uptick in interest in different Cyphotilapia frontosa types, along with Xenotilapia and Cyprichromis species, as well as odd-ball lamprologines. Exporters have slowly accommodated these different requests, although the main varieties sold are still Tropheus and Petrochromis.
Exporters continue to look for something a little different to sell to interested hobbyists. Here a Tropheus brichardi type from Kalila, Tanzania. This fish has a red eye ring and a blue iris. I remember this fish from the early 1990s, when it was called Tropheus Red Eye Kalila.
Something interesting was recently exported from Tanzania. This fish is reminiscent of Xenotilapia flavipinnis, but shows highly variable dorsal fin markings of yellow blotches, with black spots ringed with lighter bluish-white. Reportedly caught at depth, it has been dubbed “Xeno Yellow Prince”.

Recently exported from the southern part of the lake, Lethrinops altus — sometimes confused with juveniles of Aulonocara rostratum. Photo A. Konings.

Another recent export is an undescribed utaka known as “Likomae Masinje”. The females are silvery with a bright yellow anal fin. Photo A. Konings

I am not an expert in the cichlids from South America by any means. This “electric blue” strain of Blue Acara doesn’t look like any ‘Aequidens’ that I’ve seen before.

There are many commercial strains of Apistogramma agassizii from Red to Double Red, even Triple Red. However, the latest strain, Fire Red agassizii is a real show stopper.
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