Welcome to the April issue of Cichlid News. We’re excited to bring you the latest insights on cichlids from a diverse group of experts in the hobby. This edition features articles on cichlids from Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi, and North and Central America, covering topics such as maintenance and spawning, collecting, observing cichlids in nature, and cichlid science. We hope you enjoy this collection of pieces on your favorite species!

Jan Fioole discusses Maskaheros argenteus, a majestic cichlid from Mexico and Guatemala, known for its tall body and striking violet-silver sheen. These large cichlids thrive in aquariums with ample space, suitable companions, and proper water conditions. Although breeding is challenging, it remains a popular choice among experienced aquarists due to its unique appearance, making it a standout addition to any Neotropical cichlid collection.

Michel Keijman explores Amatitlania nanolutea, a brilliantly colored cichlid native to Panama’s Atlantic slope. The author details early expeditions to find it, highlighting its distinction from related species. Providing insights into its breeding behaviors, natural habitat, and aquarium care, the article offers valuable information for its maintenance. With its vibrant yellow coloration and peaceful temperament, A. nanolutea is a perfect choice for small cichlid and Central American enthusiasts alike.

Don Danko describes his experiences with keeping and breeding the Lake Tanganyika cichlid, Neolamprologus longicaudatus. While not strikingly colored, its elongated finnage and attractive markings make it quite handsome and elegant. Best kept in large tanks with open-water tankmates, its unique appearance and rarity in the hobby make it a prized species for Tanganyika cichlid enthusiasts. Although breeding is infrequent, it is quite rewarding when it occurs.

Pam Chin tells us about her multiple snorkeling trips to Kambwimba, a small bay on Lake Tanganyika’s southeastern shore, where she encountered Tropheus, Ophthalmotilapia, and Neolamprologus species. The location offers a stunning underwater landscape teeming with beautiful cichlid species. Through personal observations, she explores cichlid behavior, their habitats, and the challenges of underwater videography. Each swim with these cichlids reveals something new, proving that Lake Tanganyika never ceases to amaze.

Ad Konings examines the remarkable evolutionary diversity of Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika cichlids, shaped by their distinct histories and habitats. While Malawi’s cichlids trace back to a single lineage, Tanganyika’s originate from multiple ancient ones. Their adaptations include specialized feeding, diverse parental care, and unique habitat preferences. The article highlights fascinating parallels, such as the resemblance between Petrochromis and Petrotilapia, revealing how environmental pressures have driven similar adaptations in unrelated species, offering insights into the evolutionary pathways of Africa’s great lakes.

Izak Louw recounts a personal journey with the Cynotilapia genus, beginning in 2002 and culminating in the collection of C. sp. ‘maleri’ near Nakantenga Island in 2008. This undescribed species sports a deep black flank and vibrant blue blaze, which would suggest popularity in the Malawi cichlid hobby. However, it is not often seen in the aquarium trade due to the depths at which it lives in the lake. A tribute to both scientific discovery and personal passion, the article captures Louw’s enduring fascination with these stunning fish.

As we close this issue, we thank you for joining us here at Cichlid News, and we hope it sparks new excitement in your cichlid hobby. Whether you’re setting up a new tank, planning a trip to your favorite cichlid habitat, or attending one of the year’s major cichlid conventions, such as the American Cichlid Association event in San Antonio or the Ohio Cichlid Association show in Cleveland, we hope this year is filled with memorable fishkeeping moments.

We are grateful for the continued support of our subscribers, advertisers, and contributors. Whether you’re an experienced enthusiast or just beginning your journey with cichlids, we hope this issue provides you with valuable knowledge and inspiration. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, as the world of cichlids is always full of discovery and wonder. We also encourage you to spread the word to your friends about Cichlid News! They can subscribe at cichlidnews.com and join our growing community of cichlid lovers.

We’d love to hear from you! If you have article requests, suggestions, or are interested in submitting a cichlid spawning, collecting, or related article for a future issue, please reach out to us at info20@cichlidnews.com. Your ideas help us continue to grow and inspire cichlid enthusiasts everywhere.

Until next time,
Don Danko, Editor

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